2.4. Using and customizing Simplify 3D


These notes are based on my experiences with the Prusa i3 Mk3 and Artillery/Evnovo Sidewinder X1 printers. If you are using a different printer, please verify the hardware details are similar.


Simplify 3D content

  • Print settings

  • Software download

|S3D| 3.4beta screenshot

Fig. 2.29 Simplify 3D 3.4beta screenshot

You can download my Simplify 3D profile as of Oct 22, 2021 here.

Contact and feedback

You can find me on the Prusa support forums or Reddit where I lurk in many of the 3D printing-related subreddits. I occasionally drop into the Official Prusa 3D discord server where I can be reached as bobstro (bobstro#9830). You can email me directly at projects@ttlexceeded.com.